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Williams Woods


Quick Facts

Parcel Name: Williams Woods

Address: 180 Brigham Hill Road

Size: 26.8 acres

Owner: Grafton Land Trust

Acquired: 1995

Conservation Restriction: No

Trails: Yes

Biking: Yes

Horseback Riding: Yes

Canoe Launch: No

Hunting: With Written Permission

Fishing: No

Camping: No

Swimming: No


Trail Description

Burning Bushes, Lori Muhr

For access to Williams Woods, travel north on Brigham Hill Road. Parking area is @ .1m past Rose Lane on the right.

The trail slopes downhill gently along an intermittent stream off to the right. After crossing the stream bed, the trail splits. Proceed either north or south and follow the loop, which crisscrosses itself a couple of times and passes through stone walls, mature oaks and white pines. Footing is packed earth as it meanders through the forest, becoming slightly rocky as it ascends the mild sloping hillside.

The vibrant foliage of the abundant invasive "Burning Bush" (Winged Euonymous) is visible during late autumn when most of the tree foliage has fallen. The cleared meadow is visible in the distance upon reaching the turning point approaching the top of the hill. Several birch trees exist in this area as well. Follow the trail for a short distance along the meadow before heading back down the hill. Total loop distance is approximately .8 mi.

When visiting these parcels, please respect the posted regulations.
No motorized vehicles are allowed on Grafton Land Trust Properties or Conservation Restrictions!

    Click on the image to open an enlarged, printable view of this parcel.

trail map

Printing instructions

The maps print on letter-size paper. Print the trail maps using the Adobe
Acrobat plug-in print button (on the lowest tool bar on the top border of the
browser window). Choose Page Scaling: Fit to Printer Margins and check
Auto-Rotate and Center.

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